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Style Destino is my personal style space bout cruelty-free and vegetarian style. Fashion is not above someone's life and it is irresponsible when someone makes a fashion choice that involves taking a poor animal's life. I believe in style that has a conscience. We are in 21st century where technology has advanced immensely, there are myriad options available and any person with a desire can make things happen. So it is sheer selfishness and irresponsible behaviour when people make unethical fashion choices. Through StyleDestino I share everything cruelty-free and ethical in my style. I do not use any handbags, shoes or accessories made from leather (animal skin), the make-up I use is also vegetarian and cruelty free. Luxury and compassion can coexist stylishly and Style Destino is an attempt to prove just that. Vegan fashion is not about dowdy clothes, cheap bags, or tawdry shoes. I can just easily be vegan and trot in my Olsen heels, sporting a Stella McCartney luxurious vegan handbag while showing off my red lips painted with OCC lip tar!! I travel the world around and never find dearth of stylish, high quality vegetarian fashion.


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Vegan Bride Guide: Planning a Sustainable Vegan Wedding

Vegan Bride Guide: Planning a Sustainable Vegan Wedding

Your wedding is meant to be one of the most important events of your life. Being a vegan and eco-conscious person means you’d want to follow your ethical values to your wedding planning as well. Planning a vegan wedding may seem overwhelming, but it’s much easier than you think. Plus, its totally worth it when you get to incorporate your values as a couple. If you’re concerned about how guests will feel about a vegan wedding, just remember that if it’s meaningful to you, your loved ones should understand. In fact, some guests may even be pleasantly surprised to learn how amazing a vegan wedding can be and how delicious vegan menu can taste.   Here, are some tips to help you with making your ethical wedding plans . Shop for ethical rings A vegan lifestyle keeps all animal (or human) cruelty at bay, so start with ethical rings . After all, you’ll wear your wedding ring your whole life, so it’s important it ties in with your values. Instead of buying new, consider going vintage

Top Places to Visit in Turkey & Where to Eat Vegan Food in Istanbul, Antalya and Cappadocia

Top Places to Visit in Turkey & Where to Eat Vegan Food in Istanbul, Antalya and Cappadocia

Turkey is a crossroads for East and West, with three enormous bridges in Istanbul connecting the two sprawling parts on either side of Bosphorus – Asia on one and Europe on the other, both physically and metaphorically. The European and Oriental elements ingrained in this beautiful country are what make it a great holiday destination. There’s just so much to explore, learn and do in Turkey. The beaches, the history, and the special culinary scene all come together to create Turkey as a global tourist hotspot. We visited Turkey in July, an impromptu holiday thanks to its easy and quick e-visa service, and fell in love with the country. The average summer temperatures of 28°C make it a great holiday destination in summer. If it’s a culinary quest you’re on, then Turkey won’t disappoint. Whilst traditional cooking methods and flavours continue to largely define the nation’s gastronomical landscape, it’s a country that’s also moving with the times, with its contemporary establishments

My Two Pennies' On Earth Day | Social Injustice & Corporate Hijacking

My Two Pennies' On Earth Day | Social Injustice & Corporate Hijacking

Earth Day  came and went. By now, you must have been bombarded by content on  sustainability  from influencers, brands, activists & newspapers, and perhaps even your friends. Since you already have enough action points on  sustainable living  from all the content makers & educators, here’s my two pennies' worth 💡: Environmental justice  efforts won’t be meaningful unless there is  patriarchy  &  racial injustice . Women, transgenders, and racialized, ethnicized & indigenous people around the world experience not only the effects of environmental damage but also the intersecting oppressions & violence within their contexts. In a patriarchal world,  climate change  simply magnifies the existing inequalities within our society. The time has come to protect both people and the planet. 🧚🏽‍♀‍🌍 Be the change……… if we don’t speak up against these injustices (or are blind to them) we become part of the problem. April has been hijacked by companies trumpeting their ex

How to travel responsibly | Your sustainable travel guide

How to travel responsibly | Your sustainable travel guide

  ✈️ 🏝 To all my eco-conscious friends, we’ll soon see the day when travel won’t have such a detrimental impact on nature (carbon emissions from flights, impact on local communities, the waste generated by travelers are just a few problems).  Until then, don’t judge yourself if you want to explore the world. Instead, focus on ways to reduce your negative footprint to make your travel more sustainable. Here are a few easy  sustainable travel  tips to make you a responsible traveler: 1. 🌱 Eat  plant-based  & explore local cuisine :  The easiest sustainable choice you can make while traveling is eating local, and choosing plant-based foods. Your body & planet will love you! 2.✅ C hoose conscious accommodation :  Support hotels that are rooted in  sustainable  values & are giving back for the welfare of communities and the planet. There are options now in every category - from luxury sustainable hotels to budget eco-options. You even have a vegan version of AirB&B where

COP26: What is it? Why is it important? How can I participate?

COP26: What is it? Why is it important? How can I participate?

Everywhere in the news, we've been reading about the ongoing COP26 summit in Glasgow. It is considered a really important event to bring climate change under control. Let's understand what is it all about and how can we be a part of this as an individual. Let's start with the basics....... COP stands for Conference of the parties, and  26 means it is the 26 th meeting COP26 event is an annual conference attended by the world leaders that signed the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change ( UNFCC ) in 1992. 196 countries are members to it. This year's conference is happening in Glasgow, which started on October 31 st and will go on until 12 th November. It is being attended by politicians and people in power. The main agenda of this conference is to figure out how to slow down global warming and decide on how to prevent temperatures from rising above 1.5celsius. We are already seeing floods, hurricanes, wildfires, earthquakes, rising world hunger, wa

Celebrating a Sustainable Diwali!

Celebrating a Sustainable Diwali!

  Dressing up is a big part of Diwali celebrations. But with so much fashion waste ending up in landfills, let’s steer away from buying a new Diwali outfit for the 2021 festivities. Instead, dig out something from your closet and rewear or restyle it. Or raid your mom’s closet and give an interesting spin to her sarees or lehengas.  How can we make this Diwali sustainable? 🪔 Instead of gifting sweets with tonnes of wasteful packaging, gift experiences. Or choose healthier alternatives like dates. Buy those in bulk and pack them sustainably. For example, you can g ive them a personal touch by wrapping them up in recyclable paper yourself.   🪔 Make Diwali parties plastic-free. Make use of biodegradable cutlery & plates over plastic or thermocole options.  🪔 Reuse the decorations you put up last year. Most decoration products are made from plastic, and if they are single-use they end up in landfills.  🪔 Try a vegan Diwali this time, will be great for your health, skin, and the pla



Just a few years ago, the list of restaurants that served vegan food in Dubai would have been painfully short. Now, you are spoilt for choice and it’s hard to narrow down the options; thanks to the plant-based revolution in its full force. And with good reason. Taking off animal products from your diet is not only great for your health but also for the planet. I'm not saying it, its proven by science. Researchers at the University of Oxford found that cutting meat and dairy products from your diet could reduce an individual's carbon footprint from food by up to a whopping 73 percent.  When it comes to breakfasts we all love one that's packed with flavor, taste and nutrition. In the last few years, the obsession with wellness in Dubai has gone through the roof, and the city had an explosion of workout studios, juice bars, and turmeric everything. And nowhere is this more apparent as on the food front. The falafel-and-karak chai culture of Dubai has evolved. In its place, gr

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