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Style Destino is my personal style space bout cruelty-free and vegetarian style. Fashion is not above someone's life and it is irresponsible when someone makes a fashion choice that involves taking a poor animal's life. I believe in style that has a conscience. We are in 21st century where technology has advanced immensely, there are myriad options available and any person with a desire can make things happen. So it is sheer selfishness and irresponsible behaviour when people make unethical fashion choices. Through StyleDestino I share everything cruelty-free and ethical in my style. I do not use any handbags, shoes or accessories made from leather (animal skin), the make-up I use is also vegetarian and cruelty free. Luxury and compassion can coexist stylishly and Style Destino is an attempt to prove just that. Vegan fashion is not about dowdy clothes, cheap bags, or tawdry shoes. I can just easily be vegan and trot in my Olsen heels, sporting a Stella McCartney luxurious vegan handbag while showing off my red lips painted with OCC lip tar!! I travel the world around and never find dearth of stylish, high quality vegetarian fashion.


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Healthy & Yummy Banana & Cacao Nibs Smoothie Bowl For Breakfast That Tastes Like Dessert

A delicious smoothie bowl that's packed with nutrients, is rich and creamy and tastes as decadent as a dessert. A perfect meal to start the day.

I love smoothie bowls, as they are not only delicious and simple to put together, but with the right combination of toppings, it can be a nutrition powerhouse that everyone will enjoy.

This Banana and Cacao Nibs Smoothie has become one of my favorites. Its made with organic frozen bananas, peaches, and berries. The added antioxidant-rich cacao nibs give this smoothie the taste of a chocolatey treat. I love playing around with various toppings with this smoothie, but the toppings I've used in this recipe are my favorite so far.

Bananas are high in potassium and are a rich source of protein, calcium, vitamin B6, and dietary fiber. They have zero fat and cholesterol. Bananas make the best base for a creamy smoothie and make it naturally sweet without any added sugar or natural sweeteners. Make sure you use frozen bananas for the ultimate creamy and sweet smoothie.

Berries are packed with antioxidants that nourish your body with vitality. They are also low in calories and high in Vitamin C. Peaches are also high in vitamin C, are a rich source of vitamin A, B-carotene and minerals.

As for cacao, they are dubbed as a superfood and have become a major hit in the health circles recently. You should not confuse cocoa and cacao, because the former is processed and with very low nutrition factor, while the latter is packed with nutrients.

Cacao comes from the seed of an Amazonian fruit tree and is considered one of the highest antioxidant foods on the planet. Cacao nibs are nature's chocolate chips made from pure cacao beans - completely raw with a deep chocolate flavor and very nutrient-dense. In fact, cacao is actually one of nature’s richest dietary sources of magnesium and is also high in iron, manganese, and chromium and is also extremely high in anandamide.

They also contain plant-based protein, good fats and healthy carbs, and can improve cardiovascular health, build strong bones, are a natural aphrodisiac, and can elevate your mood. The alkaloid content in cacao, according to herbalist and holistic nutritionist Rachelle Robinett, interacts with different neurotransmitters in our body and helps us feel good.

When buying your cacao nibs, make sure it is certified organic. Non-organic cacao is treated heavily with toxic pesticides and fumigation chemicals and may contain genetically modified (GMO) products.

I have used Essential Living USDA certified cacao nibs, but you can use any other brand easily available near you like Navitas Organics Raw Cacao Nibs.

This one is packed with so many good-for-you ingredients, and the best part is that it basically tastes like dessert for breakfast. I love when that happens!
Healthy vegan breakfast - Banana and Peach Smoothie Bowl with Cacao Nibs Benefits - easy breakfast recipe
I N G R E D I E N T S 

  • 2 frozen bananas 
  • 2 peaches
  • 10 pieces of blueberries and a few raspberries (or any other berry)
  • 1 tablespoon almond milk or water (to help with blending)

  • sliced pears
  • Pistachios
  • fresh thinly sliced coconut
  • blueberries
  • cacao nibs
  • Half kiwi
  • Cashew cream with crushed raspberries (optional)
D I R E C T I O N S 

Place everything in a high-speed blender and blitz until completely combined.

Pour it in a bowl and, and top it with fruits, fresh sliced coconuts, pistachio and cacao nibs. Drizzle some cashew cream flavored with fresh raspberries.

You can also use healthy seeds like pumpkin, chia or melon seeds to add more crunch and nutrition.

Serve cold and consume it immediately.
Healthy vegan breakfast - Banana and Peach Smoothie Bowl with Cacao Nibs Benefits - easy breakfast recipes
Serves: 2
Cook time: 10 minutes
Difficulty: 2/10
Raw, Gluten-free & Vegan

If you try this recipe, let me know how you like it and do tag @styledestino on your Instagram.


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