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Style Destino is my personal style space bout cruelty-free and vegetarian style. Fashion is not above someone's life and it is irresponsible when someone makes a fashion choice that involves taking a poor animal's life. I believe in style that has a conscience. We are in 21st century where technology has advanced immensely, there are myriad options available and any person with a desire can make things happen. So it is sheer selfishness and irresponsible behaviour when people make unethical fashion choices. Through StyleDestino I share everything cruelty-free and ethical in my style. I do not use any handbags, shoes or accessories made from leather (animal skin), the make-up I use is also vegetarian and cruelty free. Luxury and compassion can coexist stylishly and Style Destino is an attempt to prove just that. Vegan fashion is not about dowdy clothes, cheap bags, or tawdry shoes. I can just easily be vegan and trot in my Olsen heels, sporting a Stella McCartney luxurious vegan handbag while showing off my red lips painted with OCC lip tar!! I travel the world around and never find dearth of stylish, high quality vegetarian fashion.


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How to travel responsibly | Your sustainable travel guide

How to travel sustainably - Sustainable travel tips Dubai

 ✈️ 🏝 To all my eco-conscious friends, we’ll soon see the day when travel won’t have such a detrimental impact on nature (carbon emissions from flights, impact on local communities, the waste generated by travelers are just a few problems). Until then, don’t judge yourself if you want to explore the world. Instead, focus on ways to reduce your negative footprint to make your travel more sustainable.

Here are a few easy sustainable travel tips to make you a responsible traveler:

1. 🌱 Eat plant-based & explore local cuisine
The easiest sustainable choice you can make while traveling is eating local, and choosing plant-based foods. Your body & planet will love you!

2.✅ Choose conscious accommodation
Support hotels that are rooted in sustainable values & are giving back for the welfare of communities and the planet. There are options now in every category - from luxury sustainable hotels to budget eco-options. You even have a vegan version of AirB&B where you can live with vegan hosts via VegVisits.

3 ♻️ Carry your reusables
Carry your own toiletries & a reusable water bottle to avoid the waste created from single-use plastics. Make sure to ask for reusable glasses and cups at hotel restaurants and cafes. And strictly no sucking - say NO to straws.

4. 🧳 Pack light
As a rule, exploring destinations close to home generates less carbon footprint. There is so much beauty everywhere - so why not choose nearby destinations and travel by road. But when have to fly, pack light. The less you take, the less weight, the less fuel the plane needs, the less CO2s emitted - its a simple equation! Also, don’t forget to offset your carbon emissions. There are plenty of platforms like Terrapass or Wren that help you offset your carbon footprint by using your contribution to funding climate solutions.

5. 🌇 Support local communities:
Get an authentic experience by trying local - dine at local restaurants, ditch Starbucks & get to a local cafe for your caffeine fix, take gifts from a local store, and avoid big supermarket chains to try the local supermarkets. Make sure to respect local traditions, protect the natural and cultural heritage, take permission before taking pictures, and support social causes in the regions you are traveling. 

6. 🏖️ Avoid destinations that have over-tourism:
Over-tourism is increasingly becoming a problem in cities like Venice and Barcelona. The explosion of tourists (thanks to social media) is becoming a cause of concern in these cities - threatening their infrastructure, and harming their ecosystem. Avoid such places and explore new destinations. If you still desire to visit these destinations then plan your trip off-season so you are not contributing to congestion, and stay in a neighborhood that's not as well known. 

Every action we take has the power to change the world. Don’t underestimate your power. Let's make mindful choices when we travel - support local businesses and communities. 

How do you travel more responsibly? ✈️♻️

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