Welcome to my Blog!!! After much contemplation I have finally started the much thought about - Style Destino. Its a relief that I can now see it in real, it is no more a visual image in my mind!!! I am a finance professional, but fashion is also my passion. Among the two I often get confused which one is a greater pull in my life. But a great deal of my attention and time goes towards either admiring, browsing, reading, advising (OK I am no personal celebrity[?] stylist, but a chat with few friends or my sis is what I am now referring as 'advising')  or contriving about fashion. What will I do in Style Destino? I started this to share my widely read thoughts, personal style, observations and analysis of fashion. New store hunting and ransacking, some reviews and trends and popular styles would also be a part of it. Its not a celebrity following blog (now, there is huge celeb following and they are already too much talked about. Personally I find it a concept which isn